My Story
In 1982, I entered the financial services industry in Burlington, Iowa with a major
insurance and financial services company. In 1984, I was promoted to sales manager.
My goal in life has always been to start my own business so in 1985, Marcia and I with
our two young children moved back to Ottumwa where I became a self-employed broker
working thru Berthel Fisher & Fleischman. Berthel Fisher & Company Financial Services, Inc.
was created when Terry Fleischman left the firm. Earlier in my life, I was a teacher, counselor and
worked in retail management.
A B.A. degree with a social studies major and an English minor was earned at Parsons
College. I then received an M.S.E. in counseling from Drake University. My business hours
were earned from the Ottumwa Heights College, Indian Hills CommunityCollege,
the University of Iowa, Towson State, Truman State and Iowa Wesleyan University.
I have served on various church boards and I am a member of Kiwanis. The Travelers
Protective Association of America(children and adult safety projects), Elks, the Farm Bureau,
historical society, and genealogical society.